Beca’s water team was proud to attend and present at the Water New Zealand 2019 Stormwater Conference, from 1-3 May in Auckland.
The three-day conference, themed 'Stormwater - The Next Generation' was about innovation and forward thinking to address the impacts of stormwater on the environment.
We had several experts speaking at the conference:
- Angela Pratt - Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Sumner Road Stormwater Rebuild
- Dale Paice - A Coupled Wetland Biofilter: The Best of Both Worlds
- Iain Smith - Bridge Manual Waterway Design: An Update
- Jacob Steenkamp (co-presented with Mark Townsend, from Bay of Plenty Regional Council) - Engineering the Life Back into Maketū Estuary
- Justine Jones - Using Global Lessons to Implement Water Sensitive Design into Local Neighbourhoods
- Kate Purton - Wigram Basin Upgrade
- Roger Seyb - Sweating the Assets: A Smart Infrastructure Approach for an Intensified Future
The full programme, including specific times and locations of the conference presentations, can be found on the event website here.
See also
April 2019