Beca is excited to partner with Toyota and other iconic Kiwi brands in an innovative hydrogen powered car-share scheme, aimed at reducing work-related travel emissions.
The trial scheme, a first for New Zealand, will give project partners; Beca, The Warehouse Group, Air New Zealand, Saatchi & Saatchi, TVNZ, Westpac, Spark, and Z Energy access to hydrogen powered Toyota Mirai’s for business travel.The fuel cell in the Toyota Mirai combines hydrogen and oxygen in a chemical reaction. Electricity, a by-product of this chemical reaction, is used to power the car’s electric motor. The only discharge from the exhaust-pipe is water.
Group Director Advisory at Beca, Amelia Linzey says, “The Toyota hydrogen project is an exciting addition to the mix of initiatives we have introduced to achieve our target of a 50% reduction in our Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2030.”
“We are continually looking for opportunities to partner and embrace new technological solutions as we progress on our decarbonisation journey and joining the hydrogen project demonstrates our commitment towards a low carbon future.
“As the trial continues, it will enable project members to test the commercial possibilities of hydrogen technology, and its potential to reduce transport emissions and shape the future of mobility in New Zealand.”
For more on sustainability at Beca and our efforts to reduce carbon emissions, click here.

See also
May 2022