Wood Beca has been appointed as Technical Advisors and Owner’s Engineers for a 6-month study that will guide Oji Fibre Solutions (OjiFS) proposed new Bio Hub facility at Kinleith, New Zealand.
An important first step in determining the feasibility of an integrated Bio Hub at Oji Fibre Solutions Kinleith Mill, the scope of our study (co-funded by the New Zealand Government) includes investigating what a successful facility would look like, the project economics, brownfield integration and its potential strategic impact. Our goal is to maximise the environmental, economic and social benefits the project will have for our client, local communities and future generations.A leading producer of market pulp, paper and fibre-based packaging for New Zealand, Oji Fibre Solutions produces more than 900,000 tonnes of pulp & paper products per annum which is generated into renewable packaging for businesses, across a wide range of industries.
Currently, around half of Kinleith Mill’s electricity requirement is generated by their co-generation plant, with the remaining balance purchased from the grid.
The proposed new Bio Hub will create a sustainable pathway for ongoing investment in Kinleith and develop the site into a regional bioeconomy cluster that supports the growing demand for products derived from wood fibre. It will also include a modern large-scale sawmill, enabling the production of primary solid wood products and the likelihood of engineered wood products such as CLT which will contribute to export development. The sawmill will also be a source of commercially competitive fibre residues to support manufacturing and energy production.
This project will also potentially displace the use of natural gas for process heat at the Kinleith mill and help with decarbonising New Zealand's economy.
In the words of Oji CEO Jon Ryder “the study is a fantastic opportunity for New Zealand to look at how it can increase value from the wood we grow by making a mix of products, like solid wood, packaging, wood-based chemicals, and bioenergy. It is also an opportunity for Oji to fully understand our choices for the site".
Other benefits include the potential to produce sustainable aviation fuel (SAF), other biofuels, biochemicals, biochar or wood pellets, hydrogen and sawn timber. All this will contribute to New Zealand’s journey towards a greener future and support the continued social and economic success of the South Waikato region, by creating a large number of high-quality jobs.
Wood Beca’s expert team already have strong in-depth knowledge of OjiFS’ facilities and processes which makes us the perfect partners. Experts from across our business are working together to deliver this project, including industrial, circular economy, advisory and planning. Our multi-disciplinary team shares a commitment to sustainability and a readiness to take the lead in this exciting project to deliver value-added innovation.
“Our team shares a strong commitment to providing sustainable and innovative solutions, along with a great working relationship to meet the needs of Oji Fibre Solutions" – Stuart Mockett, Wood Beca.
Formed in 1984 as a joint venture Wood Beca draws on the wider skills and experience of its parent companies, giving you access to thousands of skilled, knowledgeable professionals to help realise your vision.

See also
September 2022
Community Impact