The Fifteenth Avenue Smart Transit (FAST) corridor link is set to transform the way Sydneysiders travel, creating a fast, efficient and sustainable transport option between Liverpool and the new Western Sydney International Airport and Aerotropolis.

We are partnering and collaborating with Liverpool City Council, Group GSA and AT&L to lead development of the corridor’s strategic concept design, and support the realisation of New South Wales’ three cities plan. The design will be ‘place-led’, with a transit-oriented development approach to delivering great places, facilitating Western Sydney’s growth and focus on social equity. 

Promoting a ‘30-minute city’ vision for greater Sydney, where people can conveniently access jobs and services, the low emissions transport connection will also serve as a green corridor, through sustainable landscape and water-sensitive urban design. Underpinned by a defined set of objectives and foundation of stakeholder engagement and agreement from the outset, there are three core aspects of the project:

  • fast and efficient transit
  • well planned urban community-shaping growth
  • high-quality sustainable landscape design.

Currently in Phase One, we are applying our experience in rapid transit systems and road upgrade designs to determine a preferred corridor design option, by providing transport planning and a multi-criteria options assessment. 

Phase Two involves developing the design option, and our involvement will include delivery of an environmental assessment and developing the strategic business case. Extensive and meaningful community and stakeholder engagement has been critical to our work on the project. We have taken a considered approach throughout, by listening to diverse voices and perspectives, before incorporating and responding to stakeholder needs throughout the corridor design and assessment. 

The project is currently underway and once complete, aims to provide greater convenience, ease of travel and connectivity, making everyday better for Sydney locals and tourists alike.


Section to cover

3 city

Vision for Greater Sydney

30 min

Access to nearest city centre

Our Team says

A stronger focus on providing communities in Sydney’s south west with greater transport choice, connectivity, capacity and active mode access is the key to an integrated transport future.

Chris Morley

Principal Transportation

Our Client says

Council is excited to be partnering with Beca on this very important planning phase for what will be a powerful transport spine linking workers and commuters to Western Sydney International through smart vehicle technology.

Wendy Waller

Liverpool Mayor

Our People

Andrew Collings

Client and Markets Leader - Transport Advisory

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