Well-integrated, sustainable and accessible transport networks are key to supporting Auckland’s growth - with planned South Auckland rail upgrades enabling better public transport access and connecting new homes, businesses and communities.

Key zones across Auckland have been earmarked for future urban growth, with design, planning and investigations needed to identify preferred transport networks and develop business cases for their implementation. 

Te Tupu Ngātahi Supporting Growth, an alliance between Auckland Transport, Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency, Beca, AECOM, Buddle Findlay and Bell Gully, in collaboration with Auckland Council, mana whenua and KiwiRail was established to do just that. 

One of these designated ‘Future Urban Zones’ is in South Auckland, where Te Tupu Ngātahi is scoping new integrated stations in the Drury area, and collaborating with KiwiRail to increase rail capacity between Papakura and Pukekohe. 

We are actively involved in the stations’ concept design, providing a range of engineering, architectural, urban design, transport modelling, business case writing, planning and estimating expertise. The planned stations will offer a multi modal transport interchange between trains, buses and active mode corridors, as well as provisions for park and ride facilities to enable easily connected and convenient journeys. 

We are also supporting the design of the Papakura to Pukekohe rail capacity upgrades with a similar suite of services - developing detailed business cases and necessary safety enhancements for new road arterials and rail crossing grade separations, active mode corridors and linking the station access corridors to adjacent arterial networks. 

Throughout this journey, we’ve maintained a strong focus on collaboration, communication and engagement with our partners and community. An example of this, is our innovative 3D model, which combines OpenRail, structural and architectural packages, and enables stakeholders to see and experience how the networks will evolve over coming decades. 

When in place, the new railway stations and additional network capacity will connect South Auckland town centres and rural areas, and offer residents and visitors more frequent, fast and reliable train services, for a better everyday.


New railway stations


New homes in South Growth Zone


Further track route protection

Our People

Annette Jones

Senior Technical Director - Urban Design

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Email Annette Jones