Roads are the arteries of our communities, connecting people with one another, and linking to vital goods and services. And yet as our growing populations place ever greater demands on our road networks, the potential for mishaps only increases.

In the last decade, more than 12,000 people have died on Australian roads, and in Aotearoa more than 3,200 people have died, and nearly 23,000 have been seriously injured.* With a targeted and sustained approach to making journeys safer, together we can strive for zero deaths or serious injuries on our roads. We're all prone to human error and while mistakes will happen – those mistakes shouldn’t cost us our lives. There’s plenty we can do using a Safe System approach to help prevent serious crashes or reduce their severity.

With more than 25 years' experience as road safety consultants, including as lead partners on New Zealand's Safe Roads Alliance, we have the expertise to advise on and design safer transport corridors. This starts right from the beginning, where we can develop and evaluate large safety programmes through a Safe System lens and secure funding for them. We challenge the traditional ways of thinking and recognise the importance of doing things differently to prioritise road safety.

The success of road safety improvements, whether it be through safer intersections, modified speed limits or safer public spaces, rely on a change in user perception and behaviour. The psychology behind influencing user behaviour is understood by our road safety professionals, and supported by our related experience in urban design - where we can integrate public spaces with traffic calming measures, cycleways and footpaths to enhance the overall safety and liveability of our towns and cities.


  • 3M Traffic Safety Innovation Award - Safe Roads Alliance NZ, 2019

  • NZ Bridges Summit and Awards, Large Structure Award - Waterview Connection, 2019

* Source for road statistics - and

Our People

Brent Meekan

Business Director - Civil Infrastructure

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Email Brent Meekan
Lloyd De Beer

Principal - Civil Engineering

View on LinkedIn
Email Lloyd De Beer

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